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Create Login ID & Password


USSSA team managers are required to create a Login ID & Password for use within the web site system. Your Login ID & Password will be needed to access your team’s USSSA web page, to register your team, complete and/or edit your online roster, enter tournaments, etc. If you have coached teams in USSSA before and still have your Login ID & Password, click here. To begin creating a new Login ID & Password, click here. Complete the required fields including a valid email address and password and click the SUBMIT button, you now have your Login ID & Password.


Comment:  Make sure the sport listed above the blue left margin menu is “BASEBALL”, if not; use the drop down window to change.



Create & Register Team


All USSSA teams are required to register annually with the Association. Team registration is valid from August 1st – July 31st.

To create and register your team, click here. Enter your Login ID & Password and click the ENTER button. You are now at the Team Manager Menu, select the third option at the top, “Create Baseball Team”. You will be required to fill in your Complete Team Name, Team City, Team State and Class Requested, click the SUBMIT button. You have now created your team but you MUST still register the team. With a credit card, click on the gray button in the yellow box at the top of the screen and enter your credit card information. Once registered, you’ll see your new team listed on the Team Manager Menu with your Team Registration Number and you’ll be ready to complete your USSSA Online Roster. USSSA Baseball does not charge an Individual Player Registration fee.


Comment: No team will be allowed to play in any USSSA event without registering with the Association and completing an Online Roster in advance of taking the field of play!


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